Saturday, January 31, 2009

At last... an update!

It's been a month since I last wrote. :) What have I done since then?

1) Went Europe for a fantastic holiday.
2) Got myself engaged! (in Paris)
3) Came back to a pile of work
4) Started semester 2 at the university

I recalled that when I first started this blog, I was feeling rather depressed because I felt that I had lost myself. No sense of direction; no sense of purpose.

This year, I'm feeling strangely motivated. There are still tons of work to deal with everyday, school work is hectic, and I still find myself working late and bringing work home. But I feel better about it. Like, there is some kinda energy inside me.

I think the trip to Europe did me good. A strong wake up call for me to love myself, slow down, and just take time to enjoy life. So I try to look at things the way I would when I'm on a holiday i.e. with the attitude that everything I see is new and interesting. I sit at Bread Talk to have proper breakfast (sandwich and coffee) before heading to the office. I (try my best to) sleep early and at least have 8 hours of rest everyday.

So far the plan worked (well, at least most of the time!) and I'm really quite happy. :)

I think really, people should make time for life.


Anonymous said...

that's e spirit babe ;)

and congrats again. am truly happy for u and est! :) we've alwaz dreamt of our big days and now urs and esther's are finally here!!

dinner at my place soon...i'll arrange. have a good week!


Grace said...

Yes yes!!! :) We should do dinner again soon!!