Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Heavenly reminders

God really works in AMAZING ways.

I was at Comex a few days ago and was contemplating whether to trade in my HP mini to offset the price of a new one. The cost of trade in is probably just 50 bucks, but I was thinking then better trade in than to leave it unused at home. Mr. Jang tried convincing me to donate it to Filo, our church's community outreach arm. I was thinking then who would want a second hand netbook since its processing power is not that good, but I listened to him anyway. When we asked Joshua, one of the Filos coordinator, on Sunday whether they need a second hand laptop, turns out that one of the needy family was indeed asking for it a few days ago and it just so happened that we have one to donate. Really praise God for how He always make things fall into place!

To add on, I was actually feeling pretty "home-sick" at work because I really missed my colleagues from my old office. The new work environment is nice and the people are friendly, but they work differently and I am still in the midst of adjusting to the new environment (actually, am thinking that I am doing pretty well given that it has just been one month). And today, just when I was again missing the meeks folks, the new guy came in and it turns out that he used to be from meeks eons ago and he know YC, dajie, Julia, YS, Mr Woon etc! And I was thinking, Oh God, this has got to be YOU. You always answer to my needs when I least expect it! There was this huge feeling of gratitude, and also shame when I realised how little faith I have. It's like God sending me a gentle reminder on a basic truth: Where God leads, He provides.

The sermon on Sunday was "Down but not out". One of the points that left an impression on me was that nothing is coincidence or fate. Everything is by divine appointment and in times of need, God always sends comfort in various forms to strengthen us. So dear Lord, remember we are humans and humans forget. Remind me to not stop believing and to keep the faith going.

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