Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hubs the 阿Q

I needed constant counselling from Mr. Jang these few days cos I simply don't understand how I can feel so down all the time. Asked him what my strengths and shortcomings are yesterday and he said, "Your strength is the ability to think systematically, plan ahead, and do things with consistency. But that also means that you are less flexible with the way you do things so when things don't go according to your plans, you become unhappy. You have to learn to be inconsistent and try different ways if something doesn't work out, like me."

I said aren't you worried that people might say you are incapable or do not have principles/perseverance etc etc? He said, "Why do you always feel you need to explain your actions to people? Don't have to keep being worried if people will think badly of you. Most of the time people don't. Even if people want to say bad things, just let it be. Will you die? No you won't."

He said this is what he called his "阿Q精神" and that because he has already come into contact with so many different types of people during his school days and working life, he learnt to keep this fighting and positive spirit no matter how people trampled on him. He said this is the difference between me and him, someone from a protective home environment with good grades from good schools, and someone from a poorer family with average grades from neighbourhood schools. He has more opportunities to learn life lessons eariler and to do things in more than one way especially when the "template ways" don't work.

I have honestly told him many times before that I think he talks too much for a guy. 

At times like these though, I know why God put a talkative guy in my life instead of a studious one, which has always been my type. While the studious one can probably give me strategic advice, he will never be able to offer me these weird perspectives and put a smile on my face (or make me roll my eyes) like this talkative guy does.

God knows best.


the NUT said...

haha God always puts us with the man we least expect to! look at me and al. hahha anyway yar zm is correct on many counts. if we worry about what others think all the time then we'll never be happy. because it'll never be good enough. and the worse part is, these people are all far from perfect themselves!! so yah..God made us all different and special and really, the only one u have to answer to is Him. the fact that u have a group of loved ones who will alwaz be here to stand up for u says pretty damn much about what a great person u are, dont u think? :) so screw those who can never be pleased. they will remain a grouch for life loh.

xx hy

Grace said...

I really don't know how to say how grateful I am for all of you! Don't know how I can pull through this without you guys.. you guys really rock!!!! :) xoxoxo.