Sunday, December 16, 2012


This year's birthday celebration was a tad more special in that:

1) I celebrated it in US instead of SG;
2) Because of the time zone difference, it felt like a 2-day celebration because I have loads of friends and family wishing me 'happy birthday' a day in advance;
3) Compared to previous years where I met up with old friends for dinner, I actually made new friends this birthday (had brunch with Mr. Jang's colleague and her fiance, and also met up with a couple from SG whom I knew through another friend and have briefly spoken to on FB.)

I really had fun, but at the back of my mind, I'm haunted by the tragedy that happened at the elementary school at Connecticut.

It's not the first time such shooting incidents have happened in US. I'm not sure why I am particularly bothered this time - perhaps it's because I'm on this side of the world, or perhaps it's because I've been a sunday school teacher to primary school kids - I try not to imagine what went through the minds of the teachers... terrified, need to do something, what to do, how much time, protect my students...

I read the news on the timeline of the massacre and saw the list of names of the victims which was just released by the Police. I am truly overwhelmed with sadness when I thought of the children, especially how they would never have a chance to realise the dreams they have in adulthood. The young victims (most of them were reportedly first-graders) were just starting to enjoy school and friends... and they were robbed of their lives so early. Not only those who were slain, those who survived... the police officers had to ask them to close their eyes as they passed through the corridor on the way out to safety, because the scene along the way was just too horrible for anyone to see. As I write, I heard on the news that some of the six-years-olds are still trying to process what happened and if their friends and teacher will come back.

I don't want to debate about the right to own guns, although I really want to punch the stupid interviewee on TV who said that everyone should own one so that we can protect ourselves (what stupid logic is that). I want to pray for God's healing for the families, for the country, for the world. A lot of people would ask where God is in the midst of all these tragedies, how He can let such atrocities be committed against the innocent. We don't have an answer, but we know that God's love endures even through the most difficult times.

Mr. Jang said one thing which I really agree with. Christmas is coming, and often we think of how we can use this day as an opportunity to go on a holiday or party with friends. But this Christmas, may we truly be reminded that Jesus is the reason for the season, and take time to pray for His intervention in this world of irrationalism and violence.

May God bless the victims and comfort their families in the long painful journey of recovery.

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