Saturday, February 14, 2015

Valentine's Day at East Coast

So here's what married couples do on Valentine's Day: picnic at East Coast. Sandwich, banana muffins, cold cuts, good old bites from Old Chang Kee.  

The smell of BBQ in a distance. And oh, the sound of waves. 

Too bad we forgot to take our tent from Mom's place. Otherwise, it will be cool to set up shop here, like what some couples and families are doing.

There's even a guy with a hammock. 

Yep. I'm glad there are still outdoor spaces like this in Singapore. More green, less concrete, please. For future's sake.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Grandma's 90th birthday celebration

Flew back to Hong Kong over the weekend to attend Grandma's 90th birthday celebration. She is such a darling, learning how to FaceTime and Skype even at a ripe, old age. Where does she find the energy?

I hope that if I have the good fortune to live till 90 years old, I would be as happy and healthy as Grandma. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A new normal

So it has been about two months since we've moved back from the States. A week since I've started work.

It's funny how life is 'back to normal', yet you know that you are looking at things very differently now.

For one, having a life outside work is so much more important to me now. I managed to cook dinner after work, go for a short exercise, sleep before midnight (my aim is before 11pm) since starting my new job. Working towards leaving at 6.15pm made me want to do things extra efficiently.

I also talk more to Mr. Jang. The best years of our marriage is in Foster City. And that is because we communicate so much; we talk about everything. That, and of course, the shared experiences of exploring new places. 

I am still missing the weather like crazy. But God has been kind. He gave us really cool weather - cold, by Singapore's standard. 

I also managed to take Foster out for grocery shopping before I start work. I was perspiring like mad by the time I arrived at NTUC, but it felt good riding on this sweetie. The last time I rode on her was to Wendy's house at the Plaza, when we had our housewives' brunch. 

Such awesome memories. 

The only arrangement I haven't settled on is how to see Almonn more regularly. It's almost impossible to get to Sis' place on weekdays, and it's hard to match our schedules on weekends. So far, I only managed to see him a few times, and brought him out once. I do hope to spend more time with my little buddy. He's the sweetest.