Monday, May 18, 2009

Trial make up!

I went for a trial make up for my wedding on Sunday and ta-da! Here're the results!

Think this is the most traditional looking one. Am going for this when I'm gonna wear the Chinese Kua in the morning.

Am considering if I should continue wearing this pin-up style for the church wedding as well. Perhaps with a pearl / sparking hairband or something. Tiaras are too common now I think!

This is an alternative. Think I want to try letting my hair down (depending on how long my hair will be in Jan). A more casual look! Didn't really like the curls here though. Maybe if I'm really doing a half-up, I'll do the hairband thing instead of flowers (yes, those are tissues you see in the photo). And less curls... only waves at most!

I thought the make up looked too white indoors, but the outdoor look is quite natural. I like! :)


Anonymous said...

hahahahha cant believe u used tissue paper as props!! nothing is safe from u!!! hehe that being said..i wouldnt have noticed they were tissue papers until u pointed it out!!!

e make up's not bad! a bit light on colours and strong on foundation. but i think all wedding m/up is like that. i thot kua makeup usually uses warmer makeup...not so pastel-ish. coz of the red colour of ur kua. but guess u have to be trying ur actual outfit out before knowing if the whole look is there.

im not a fan of tight i prefered the half-tied look.

anyway i think i ended up commentin on ur hair instead of makeup!! haha to sum up, i think the makeup's alrite, quite natural...tho may be a bit light. e makeup should brighten up ur eyes a bit more...or at least choose one feature to enhance. and for most girls its e eyes la.

anyway trial is free right..? ahha go for another one juz to compare!


Grace said...

hey hey thanks for the feedback! and NO, the trial is not free! I paid 150 bucks for it!!!

Chick also said that the make up is a little too light but I dunno if I'll look weird with too much make up - I kept telling the lady not to overdo it.. Hahhahahah! Then still can't decide if hair should be up or down. I never thot that I'll spend so much time mulling over this!

Will be going back in June to confirm the outfits so I should be able to decide on the hairstyle once the gowns are confirmed. Hopefully I can get more things settled during the trip in June...

Thanks again ah. Looking forward to your return! :)