Thursday, September 24, 2009


Was feeling particularly happy today because I caved in to my cravings for a nasi lemak breakfast this morning before heading to work. It was a mere 10 minutes of sit-down breakfast at the Central basement. But boy, it felt good.

My email account was finally fixed today and I could, once again, access my emails and no longer feel detached from the rest of the working world. Funny how grumpy I can be for NOT being able to work. I guess that's because I know there will be 200 hundred plus emails waiting to be read eventually. Spent the entire day trying to clear some of the backlog. Argh.

Meant to sleep early today but ended up being awake still at this hour. Class ended late, and my group also stayed back for close to an hour to discuss the topic of research. Reached home after 11pm and was feeling a little hungry although I had supermarket sushi for dinner. Ended up eating two packets of cheezels and a bowl of mee sua all by myself. Not good at all, sister!!!

And now, I'm going to bed, with a stomach bloated with junk and the aftertaste of mee sua which was not really cooked.. but soaked in boiling water cos I was too lazy to switch on the stove. Yucks.

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