Bangkok has always been one of my favourite cities in the world. It was one of the few places a few of us went together during school trips. It was the place where I visited hubs while he was on a one-month stay during his first job. It was also the place where we had our real grown-up family trip a few years ago. It was just perfect for shopping, eating and relaxing.
And now, it will be the starting place of the many, many girls trip we will do together. Our stay in Bangkok was short, but it reaffirmed the friendship we had for nearly 17 years. We are obviously very different, and it reflects so in our shopping patterns and food choices. But the deep level of comfort, the unspoken compromises, and the quiet understanding of where to go, where to eat, and where to stay, just make the trip enjoyable beyond words.
It is easy to lose ourselves in our own hectic lifestyles. Like a good marriage, friendship requires efforts on the part of everyone to make it work. The fact that we made this trip come true meant how much we treasure the friendship, no matter how different our lives have become. I hope we will always remember to encourage one another, laugh at one another, share the mundane stuff in our lives with one another even as we grow older and likely, grouchier (haha).