Thursday, November 18, 2010

A little setback, a little motivation...

A couple of months ago, Boss told me during my work review that my host min has given me a B+ (which is supposed to be very good). Today, Boss told me that I have been given a C after the ranking exercise, and explained that downwards moderation is quite common . :/ I think she tried to console me by telling me that I am under a small group peeps that the management keeps an eye on for development.

To be honest, I didn't think that I deserved a B+ in the first place (I didn't feel that I have done enough). But then again, to be downgraded all the way to a C... hmm... I was actually thinking, oops, there goes my renovation budget for next year! :(

But then I go back to my motto of thanking God for giving me enough rewards to keep me motivated, and enough setbacks to keep me down to earth and grounded. And I know that whenever I fall, I pick myself up fast and bounce back stronger and wiser.

I also read a good statement today: being obedient doesn't mean the end of adversity. In the same way, I am not going to expect that life will be all rosy and smooth. But I do have faith that I won't lack anything or be alone. And thank God for that. :)

I will continue to jiayou, be responsible, and keep my spirits up!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

10th attempt at sharing

Seems like eons ago that I last did a sharing of what I learnt from the sermon... shall attempt to pick it up again!

Today's sermon about right and wrong and sticking to the truth is quite close to my heart. I recall Sis describing me as someone who lives by principles (ok - maybe too much principles!! ^ ^) but that's because I always believe that unlike choosing what kind of clothes to wear or what to eat, some things are clearly right or clearly wrong. To differentiate between right from wrong, we must base it on the truth. This truth is in fact timeless instructions from God that are taught to us through the Bible. It is not based on convenience, nor on what is cultural acceptable or prevalently practised at a certain point in time.

Just like how God is the same God since the beginning to the end, the truth is the same truth that is being told thousands of years ago.

Ok, before you (or whoever is reading this!) think that I am trying to be holy or rigid or whatever-it-is, am going to clarify that I am certainly not trying to pretend to be a saint! I face the same daily struggles and temptations like any man/woman on the street and am a sinner just like everyone else.

Thing is, like I said, I really want to learn how to properly walk with God instead of just merely saying that yes I am a Christian. And to do it the right way, I have to go towards the correct direction as set out by God, and not by what man defines/interprets/justifies as right or wrong. Otherwise, I will be like a super enthusiastic person going at full speed but using a compass that changes every sec.


Me (exhausted) to the Compass: So this is the way to the East, right? I have been following this direction the whole day... how come I am getting nowhere near my destination????

Compass: Hmm.... let me see... No, this is only the East in the morning... East is this other way now...

Me: What the...??? Are you trying to be funny??!!

Compass: No... that's what everyone is saying now mah...

Me: @^#*$&*#($&#*

Think you get the picture. :>

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Long time no update.... :p

Always start out switching on the comp to blog but always end up checking FB, checking mails, doing 101 things and then forgetting what I want to write or getting too sleepy.

Things have been pretty hectic at work. That aside, have been trying to work hard at equipping myself for the role at children's ministry - practising piano as much as I can (small progress but still a long way to go!), reading the book that Vivien lent me (finally completed it this evening!) and reading the Bible. Maybe it's because I feel that I am so not qualified to help out yet, and want to really want to build up on my Bible knowledge. And the more I read, the more I want to learn (cos there's like endless teachings inside!) So, sometimes can get frustrated and impatient... but then am reminded that the Lord is good and all He is asking for is obedience and faith. :>

So, in summary, am learning tons and tons, and it's taking loads and loads of effort, but I know that it's really really worth it! ^ ^ Am keeping the faith and reminding myself to focus on Jesus! :)