Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Ok this is a confession post.

I've been doing rather stupid things lately.

I've been honked at numerous times when I am driving. Hey, I really did not see that car coming. I've been turning on the wrong stove top. I could have sworn I was cooking with the right one until I saw smoke coming from the adjacent stove top and realized I'm stir frying on a slightly warm but not hot pan.

Today this is the ultimate. I moved around 3 gas pumps because I thought the card reader were all spoilt, only to realize that I had swiped the credit card the wrong way. AND THEN, hear this, I drove off without putting back on my gas cap!! The guy behind me honked and told me. Argh!!!! Like, how much more stupid can I get?

If I'm like this in my thirties, how much worse would it be in my sixties, seventies?!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Home trip

Since I was already in Hong Kong, I figured that I might as well make a trip back to Singapore to see how everyone's doing, and mainly to keep Mom company because she was having a series of health check-ups. Mom has always been there for me for major medical events - wisdom tooth extraction, facial cyst removal - and I want to do the same for her knowing how much it means for the patient.

It felt weird to be home at first because I have sort of gotten used to the life in USA. I was practically melting the whole week - it was too hot! But it's priceless when you get to spend time with friends and family. I swam with little Jovan twice (I think he's a fish; he's happiest in the water) and had many breakfasts and high teas with Mom.

It's totally a family bonding time. In fact, this one week in Singapore was worth so much more than my being physically there but working my life away. God really bless me by providing me with a different perspective. Thank you for taking me out of the work force temporarily and making me see.

Jovan was leaning so happily into the water, we had to hold on to the mushroom in case he flips over. 

My chocolate tartlette at Paul

Just a simply croissant for Mom

The happy hairy boy