Tuesday, September 28, 2010


最近在公司常常要阅读华文文件和用华文写稿. 不是我不喜欢华文, 只是需要通过批准的过程和时间,和英文文件比起来都比较久. 而且写华文稿的时候, 不但需要用上成语, 软件也少了词库功能, 变成很多时候有种词不达意, 不知道如何继续的感觉.

尽管如此, 我知道这是个很好的锻炼机会. 也明白老板给我这分差事, 是觉得我有足够的能力胜任. 换句话说, 我应该庆幸有这么一个学习的机会. 毕竟也是香港出生的, 好歹对中文有些自豪和亲切感. 就算难, 也一定会费尽心机去做, 坚持不渝.

我想我现在的缺点, 是缺乏对中华文化有更深的认识. 虽然平时在日常生活中运用华文, 或在写些比较简单的课题上不成问题, 可是一需要接触类似儒家思想, 文学文艺的地方, 就"头大大"了. 再怎样努力也挤不出半粒字. :( 但是这根本不是一时之间可以解决或学到的呀. 希望以后会有机会, 被派去上课吧. 在等待的当儿, 也只好靠上网尽量解决吧! :>

Monday, September 20, 2010

to my dearies

Read this during my bedtime Bible reading time: True friendships are not based on utilitarianism or selfish interest, but on love.

And if we replace the word "love" in Corinthians with "a friend", the verse would go like this:

A friend is patient, a friend is kind. A friend does not envy, she does not boast, she is not proud. A friend is not rude, and she is not self-seeking, she is not easily angered, she keeps no record of wrongs. A friend does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. A friend always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Like a diamond, friendships centered around God is build to last.

May our friendship sparkle like a precious gem, peeps! :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

background distractions

Ever since the trio - Me, Sis, Chick - has been tasked to sing at Hwei's wedding (until recently where she decided she better not risk it, haha!) and tried recording our own voice on iphone, I have more or less tried to learn songs this way to see how I sound.
Anyway, I was happily learning how to sing a Cantonese Christian song in the car with Mr Jang driving when he suddenly cursed at the parking fee, without knowing that I was recording. You can hear a "三块多??妖精!!!" at approximately 00.07. And also how my voice was quivering from trying hard not to laugh.
I think it's quite funny.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

my choice... :)

I realise that it's so much easier to whine and complain and feel grouchy and angry. Staying cheerful and positive actually takes a lot a lot of effort.

But I know it's worth it. At the end of the day, I live with myself for the rest of my life, and I want me to be a happy healthy person, hence am making the choice to stay zen and peaceful come what may.

Not easy... but practice makes perfect.:)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 4 back in the office

Day 4 back in the office, and all the negativity is starting to come back again. But am fighting to keep it at bay, and remembering what I have promised myself. I hate it when I am negative, so I must really, really make the effort to manage it.

I had a long prayer with Mr. Jang the other day, asking for God's directions. I don't think we are lazy or fussy people but perhaps, we feel that something is missing. But having said that we will believe He will make all things beautiful in His time, we shall trust and not doubt.

The wedding of a childhood family friend over the weekend reminded us how blessed and at peace we can be if we have faith and allow God to work his way through us. Hence, moving forward, I will try to have more positive self-talk. :) I think I won't be able to stop the grumpiness immediately, but I hope I will be reminded, every time the temptation to be negative comes, to be appreciative of all the blessings that were given to me, more that I ever deserve.

Jia you jia you!