Our MSO left us two weeks ago to further her studies. Although she worked with me quite closely for more than half a year, I realised with a tinge of sadness that I didn't grab the opportunity to know her better. I didn't know, for instance, how many siblings she has at home, what she likes to do in her free time, and what her dreams are. I realised that very often, I get so caught up with work that all I ever do is to talk about it. "Is the submission ready?" "How many awards are we giving out this year?" "Have we settled the issue with the caller?" "Can you help check on this?"
I failed terribly as a supervisor and a colleague. And unfortunately the realisation only hit me as she was saying Goodbye.
Maybe, that is the reason why people hate saying Goodbye. This is the time when you realised, or are reminded, of the good things that surround you but never have the heart to appreciate. This is the time when you wish you had taken more time to enjoy things that really matter, like good company. This is the time when you hope that you will have a chance to relive that experience all over again, with thankfulness in your heart.
And as I await my own turn to say Goodbye, to face my own mixed feelings of excitment, nervousness, nostagia, gratitude and uncertainty, I want to remind myself that good things don't come easily, just like good colleagues and good bosses, and how blessed I am to have worked with them.
Goodbyes are never easy, both for the one who is leaving and for those who are staying behind.
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