Sunday, February 22, 2009

A nice evening

Had a nice dinner with Uncle and Auntie just now @ Coral Village Bistro. Thought it was just one of those small random small restaurants near Arab Street but the food turned out to be not that bad afterall. The price was also reasonable, at approximately S$50 plus for 4 pax. We ate in a bar-like setting at Level 2 instead of the ground floor... quite a cosy atmosphere actually.

Talked a bit about the plans for the wedding i.e. how the arrangement would be like on the actual day, what time should the church wedding start, how many people do we have to cater for etc. It might be a little early to go into details but I guess it's always good to start earlier than later?? Mr. Jang is always telling me not to worry so much... about the house, the venue etc etc. I guess I just have no patience when it comes to planning this kind of things. It's the "quick! quick! quick!" mentality again! :(

The after-dinner walk to Suntec was rather enjoyable because of the evening breeze. And then it was shopping time because Hush Puppies was having a sale! Bought a pair of black pumps because Mr. Jang said I'd need it later in the year (the potential running around for the big event). Actually, I didn't really need a reason to buy a new pair of shoes lah. :) I would have bought 2 more pairs if not for the fact that they ran out of size...


내생활 = My Life said...

Coral used to be my staple dinner delivery when I was still working at the Concourse! Food's good but imagine eating it night after night...

Grace said...

Oh they do deliveries???!!!