Time seemed to have zoomed past this week. because work has been so so so hectic. Here are the bits and pieces of my reflections for the week:
1. I realised how much I hate being mean even though I know sometimes I have to do that in order to get things going.
2. I hate the fact that I have to chase and chase for the things and act like a biggest pest, but heck, that thing has to be done and I WILL chase you 到天涯海角 until you give it to me.
3. I don't like receiving verbal instructions especially when it comes to things that matter in work. I like to play safe, even though it means that there might be slight delays in the progress. I like to make sure that things get done in a 无懈可击 manner as far as possible. Especially when it comes to money/procurement matters! Argh!
4. I realised on more than one occasion how much good colleagues are hard to come by, and thank God that I've found some in the current work place.
5. On my way to toilet on Wednesday, I was suddenly reminded of how fortunate I am, and that the phrase 任劳任怨 applies not only to my parents, but also to Mr. Jang, in my life. I'm so very thankful for that even though I don't say it out loud. And most of the time, I act like a jerk to them by giving them the leave-me-alone tone, especially when I'm working. Bad!
P/S: Almonn is still having diarrhoea even though there is no more blood in his poo poo. Will continue to monitor.
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