To my husband on our first Valentine's Day together, as a married couple:
1. I love the way you do silly things to make me laugh whenever I feel grouchy.
2. I love the way you help me adjust the alarm clocks in the morning, when I request to sleep for 5 more minutes, then 10 more minutes, then again 5 more minutes... and when I nudge you sleepily to ask for the time, you always respond.
3. I love the way you blend in with my family, and keep my parents, grandparents, aunties and uncles entertained no matter how tired you are.
4. I love the way you take care of everything, for me AND my sis, from air ticket reservations to buying the grocery to cooking to catching insects.
5. I love the way you express concern whenever I sulk and say "我不开心!"
6. I love the way you accept my decisions to do certain things in a certain way, even though I changed my mind for the umpteenth time.
7. I love the way you pray with me, because sometimes, the things you say can be quite amusing.
8. I love the way you look when I laugh at you over some mispronunciation of Cantonese words, but also the way you keep trying no matter how many times I laugh at you.
9. I love your jovial nature, and the way you behave as if nothing is too great for you to handle, because it makes me feel safe.
10. Most of all, I love the way you make me believe that there is really unconditional love in the world, in that you don't ask for things in return (well, most of the time).
Disclaimer: The above is written as a Valentine's Day present for my husband, because I didn't buy him any present this year, and last year, I got him an eraser for Valentine's Day present (really). I love him dearly, but that does not mean that he can continue to dirty my bathroom with the remains of shower gel/shampoo.