During my work review with J a few days ago, I was sharing with her that my one-month break really helped me put a lot of things into perspective. Was a bit taken aback when she asked me what exactly I have learnt cos I thought bosses in general, erm, don't really have an indepth interest in these kind of things... like they'd only nod nod and say, "really? good for you." then proceed to discuss next year's targets etc.
Anyway, it was a good question because it made me want to write down the lessons learnt, so that I will always remember them.
So here goes (not in order of priority):
Everyday can be a holiday, if you learn how to slow down and look at things in an appreciative, fascinated manner. You know how things are always so "wow, cool!" when you go on a holiday, and then you want to snap down everything you have seen? Well, if you learn to look at the things around you in that perspective, you will find that even a journey from the carpark to the office is quite "wow, cool!".
Remember to love in every sense. "We love because God first loved us". Love your life by stay healthy mentally, emotionally, and physically. Spend time reading the bible, praying and finding that inner peace. Quit activities that are damaging to your health. Love your family by spending quality time with them. Never, never, never let work take priority in your life. You have to be responsible at work, but you also have to be responsible towards your family. Love your friends by giving encouragement and support. Help those in need!
Listen, really. I was reading the marriage communication book (loaned from church) during my break. There is a lot of good stuff in the book and one important lesson is to learn to listen without interrupting or prejudice in your heart. Have patience, and be kind in your words even during disagreements. Affirm one annother instead. There is really no need to win every argument, if you have already win the heart and respect of the other.
Don't take yourself so seriously, cos... nobody else is taking you THAT seriously. Be yourself, be goofy if you wish, and laugh heartily! :) Have positive self-talk at all times!
Life is beautiful, despite occasions which may have indicated otherwise. There is so much more to be cherished and appreciated in life than to dwell on incidents which have been less than pleasant. Look at the sky, smell the air, feel the sunshine. Life IS beautiful. :)